The most exciting part of this whole thing is the opportunity to work with the entire company. This will be my sixth show on the Paul Green stage, but this one is special. The large-scale shows I have done have been the most important and life altering. I grew up in Minneapolis a block away from the Guthrie Theatre, and had worked there on and off for four years when we put Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V on together in rep. It was an incredible exercise in company building, and I left those productions with lifelong friendships. It is where I met Joe! The chance here to work with pretty much everyone in the Center For Dramatic Art – guys like David Adamson whose office I’ve walked by a hundred times but never really met – excellent.
Need to be exceptionally productive in this pre-production phase. Among the tricky issues: which scenes can rehearse simultaneously? How exactly does the set work? Co-directing – GO. We will keep as much open as possible, but if Joe is staging Ralph’s office in Part One, and I’m staging a scene in his office in Part Two, we’d better know where the door is before we begin…
Busy several months ahead. In two months I get married, (hi Wallis!) in four months we’ll be in rehearsal, and in six months I’ll be back in Los Angeles and Nicholas will be running in Chapel Hill. Here we go!