Marianne Miller: Kate Nickleby, Miss Ledrook
Alice Whitley: 1st Maid, Tilda, Milliner, Master P. Crummles, Wanda
Julie Fishell*: Mrs. Nickleby, Mrs Grudden, Peg Sliderskew
DeDe Corvinus*: Miss La Creevy, Rich Lady, Mrs. Crummles, Mrs. Squeers
Lenore Field: Miss Knag, Mrs. Curdle, Mrs. Lenville, Mrs. Wititterly, 1st Customer
Joy Jones*: Mme Mantalini, Miss Snevellicci, 1st Waitress, Young Woman (2.3.4)
Flor de Liz Perez: Hannah, Snawley Jr, Rich Daughter, Milliner, Ms. Bravassa, Walter, Mrs. Snawley
Allison Altman: 2nd Maid, Fanny, Milliner, Miss Belvawney, Madeline Bray
Sarah Berk: Phib, Mobbs, Milliner, Fiancee, Infant Phenomenon, 2nd Waitress
Guest Artist (TBA): Nicholas Nickleby
Derrick Ledbetter*: Cobbey, Milliner, Crummles company, Verisopht, New Smike
John Brummer: Muffin Boy #1, Jennings, Milliner, Mr. Scaley, Crummles Company, Mr. Pyke, Young Man (Frank)
Ray Dooley*: Ralph Nickleby, Crummles company
Kenneth P. Strong*: Newman Noggs, Crummles company, Handsaw
Jeffrey Blair Cornell*: Coachman, Mr. Crummles, Ned Cheeryble, Proprietor
Jason Powers: Smike, Croupier
Scott Ripley*: Flunkey, Mr. Squeers, Mr. Fluggers, Charles Cheeryble
Jimmy Kieffer*: John Browdie, Mr Pailey, Mr. Curdle, Hawk
David McClutchey: Jackson, Mr. Pupker, Mr. Lenville, Arthur Gride, Brooker
David Adamson*: Footman, Old Lord, Col.Chowser, Mr. Wagstaff, Tim Linkinwater
Kahlil Gonzalez-Garcia: Muffin Boy #2, Belling, Milliner, Mr. Tix, Mr. Bane, Mr. Pluck
Jeffrey Meanza*: Mantalini, Young Wackford, Mr. Folair, Alphonse, 2nd Customer, Minister
Prince T. Bowie: Officer #1 (1.1.2 & 2.3.3), Coates, Mr. Snawley, Mr Hetherington
Matthew Murphy: Snawley Snr., Master Crummles, Mr. Wititterly, Angry Fellow, Walter Bray
Jeb Brinkley: Officer #2 (1.1.2 & 2.3.3), William, Bolder, 1.2.13 – Flunky2, Landlord, Crummles Company, Wilbur
Note: Brummer, Flor, Sarah and Kahlil are listed as Milliners and as characters who appear in Milliner scenes; in those scenes they will not be playing milliners.
Crummles Company:
Mr. Vincent Crummles (CAPULET) – Jeff C.
Master Crummles (taller) (BALTHAZAR) – Matt
Master Percy Crummles (JULIET’S LITTLE BR
OTHER) – AliceMrs. Crummles (LADY CAPULET) – DeDe
Mr. Bane who does the tenor lovers (PARIS) – Kahlil
Mr. Wagstaff who’s our virtuous old gentleman (PRINCE) – David Adamson
Mr. Pailey who is country comical (WATCHMAN) – Jimmy
Mr. Fluggers who does the cloth (FRIAR LAWRENCE) – Scott
Mr. Hetherington, who swaggers (MERCUTIO) – Prince
Miss Bravassa ( BENVOLIO/BENVOLIA) – Flor
Miss Belvawney who does the pages in white hose; (PARIS’ PAGE) – Allison
Mr. Lenville – (TYBALT) – David McClutcheyMrs. Lenville (LADY MONTAGUE) – Lenore
The Infant Phenomenon (ROMEO’S LITTLE SISTER) – Sarah
Mr. Folair – (MONTAGUE) – Jeff M.
Mrs. Grudden, Stage Manager –(NURSE) – Julie F.
Miss Snevellicci – (JULIET) – Joy
Miss Ledrook who’s our secondary romance (ROSALINE) – Marianne
Smike (APOTHECARY) – JasonNicholas (ROMEO) – Guest
PLEASE NOTE: OTHER 5 ACTORS ARE R+J EXTRAS (John B, Ray, Ken, Derrick and Jeb)
* Indicates members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.