Partner with us!
Each year, more than 50,000 people from the Triangle and throughout North Carolina attend PlayMakers productions. As a group, this audience stands out. They are diverse, affluent, educated, and have broad-ranging interests in business, arts, and culture.
If this sounds like a desirable target audience for your business, corporation, or professional group – or your agency’s clients – then PlayMakers just may be your most effective media buy. Each time your support is acknowledged on stage, in print, or online, you are, in effect, brought into a circle of shared commitment with thousands of individual supporters. No other medium gives you the equivalent high-end market exposure along with the recognition that comes from supporting a respected professional arts organization like PlayMakers.
Partnership Benefits
Recognition opportunities may include:
- Public recognition from the stage on Opening Nights
- Color advertising in our season programs
- Spotlight Article for your business in our programs and on our website
- Digital lobby signage during performance runs
- Email and social media mentions to our 20,000+ followers
- Partner listings on our website
We also offer invitations to special events, including Opening Night performances with our most valued patrons, and complimentary tickets throughout the season to share with your staff, colleagues, and clients.
PlayMakers is flexible in creating a compelling package that will benefit your company’s specific needs. Please let us know your interests, and we will design a creative sponsorship package that is appropriate for you.
2024/25 Sponsors