Dear PlayMakers Patrons & Friends,
When our theatres go dark at the end of the night, we turn on a “ghostlight”—offering visibility and safety for all who might enter. This is our theatrical tradition—and our inspiration. On Thursday night at 5:30p.m., theatrical communities across the country will join in the launch of The Ghostlight Project, a collective action of solidarity and a shared commitment to greater inclusion, participation and compassion in our theatres and in our communities. Like a ghostlight, the light we create on Thursday night will represent our commitment to safeguard our community—it will symbolize safe harbor for our values and for any among us who find themselves targeted because of race, class, religion, country of origin, immigration status, (dis)ability, gender identity, sexual identity or dissident actions in the coming years. Our lights will also symbolize hope—a belief that through our actions change is possible.
We hope you will either join us at PlayMakers or the theatre nearest you. If you would like to host an event yourself, please visit TheGhostlightProject.com for all the information you’ll need and to officially register. Truly, there is no better or more important time for arts organizations to band together in support of each other and the vulnerable around us.
If you’d like to join us here at PlayMakers, bring a light of your choice and please arrive at The Center For Dramatic Art on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill before 5:30p.m. with your lights off. Once we’re gathered, PlayMakers will share a statement of our pledge and renewed commitment to inclusivity and then we’ll all light our lights together. It’s a brief but meaningful event, and afterwards our building will remain open and all will be welcome to stay and share what may be in their own hearts.
I know it’s a very busy time, but please come if you can and please spread the word. Everyone is welcome whether they’re a theatre maker, student, patron and/or arts lover. I’m so proud to be a member of the theater community here in North Carolina where I know that collectively we can and must reach and care for many, many more hearts and minds in the years to come.
Shine brightly and we’ll see you on the 19th!
Vivienne Benesch
Producing Artistic director