

Ben Eble

Harvey Johnson/Ensemble Ben is a rising freshman at Chapel Hill High School.

Sydney Dye

Stage Management Sydney is a graduate of Chapel Hill High School.

Ellie Dusek

Ursula Ellie is a graduate of Durham Academy.

Brandon Dale

Sound/Deck Crew Brandon is a graduate of East Chapel Hill High School.

Hagan Connell

Mayor Merkle/Ensemble Hagan returns to the Summer Youth Conservatory as a rising senior at Chapel Hill High School.

Grace Cohen

Spot Light Operator Grace is a rising senior at Carrboro High School.

Thomas Cassidy

Mr. Harry MacAfee Thomas returns to the Summer Youth Conservatory as a graduate of Carrboro High School.

Moya Bosley

Costumes Moya is a rising junior at The Hawbridge School.

Gwyneth Benitez-Graham

Margie/Teen/Ensemble Gwyneth is a rising senior at Carolina Friends School.