Celebrating 2024 with you!

Student Matinees
1,521 students from over 54 local schools

PlayMakers Donors

Total Audience Members

Young Patrons & Students
- 2 World Premieres, bringing North Carolina fresh and exciting artistic excellence with The Game by Bekah Brunstetter and The Christmas Case of Hezekiah Jones by Howard L. Craft & Mike Wiley.
- 7 Women Directors, breaking the stereotype of a male-dominated role in theatre and highlighting women’s artistic leadership!
- 37 Guest Artists, filling our theatre with new perspectives from directors, to designers, to the actors you saw on stage.
Technical Production Fun Facts

Over 100,000 pieces of confetti
10,500 ft. of 2’x4′
2,400 yards of double-stick tape
68 boxes of cookies from Fresh Market for the crew

100 framed photos
21 individual fabric numbers
254 individual fabric letters
202 individual cricut letters

284 yards of fabric
104 carloads of returns of UPS
63 broken needles
542 costume pieces sent to the dry cleaner
PlayMakers fun fact!
You watched actor Rasool Jahan sing on a table twice this year! As Tedra in Fat Ham and Silver Bell Sparkle Dash in The Christmas Case of Hezekiah Jones.

The most popular concession item…

Gourmet Popcorn from The Mad Popper!