The Shot by Robin Gerber explores the extraordinary life of Katharine Graham and draws from her autobiography. The performance includes depictions of domestic violence, including reenacted moments of physical abuse and sexual assault, which some audiences may find disturbing.
Additionally, the production portrays a pivotal moment in Katharine Graham’s life: the suicide of her husband. This scene includes the sound of a gunshot and the visual suggestion of its aftermath (without graphic imagery), as well as dialogue expressing self-blame and grief. These moments may be especially triggering for those who have experienced or been affected by similar events.
Please be aware that strobe lighting is used for a short time. Additionally, please note that the shotgun used in this production is a nonfunctioning replica, created specifically as a prop. It contains no working parts and poses no risk to performers or patrons.
After each performance, we will hold a space in a nearby room with mental health and violence prevention resources.