
A Head Above the Plebes

We love Jan Chambers. She knows exactly how good our shops are and always comes up with the coolest challenges for them to tackle. For your consideration, see her model of the set for Julius Caesar, below:

What’s up with that giant sculpture of Caesar’s head? Glad you asked. Our props and scenic departments teamed up to take a cast of actor C. David Johnson’s head, which both Jan and our Scenic Charge Artist, Jessica Secrest, are using sculpt this looming figure. After tracing the head cast from an overhead projector, Jessica rough cut each layer with a chainsaw.

The scene shop spent the better part of day carefully stacking each layer, gluing them together to create a full head.

Once the head was fully stacked, Jessica could continue with the more detailed sculpting.

More chainsaw action, featuring Jessica Secrest!

Our Caesar is a crumbling Caesar, so he’s got a crack tracing a line across his face.

Jan Chambers takes the reins for a moment to draw the damage how she would like to see it.

She uses the scan for reference.

Next up, the shop will mount this massive head on its pedestal and Jessica and her crew will give it a paint job!

See the finished product at Julius Caesar, March 4–22, 2020. Click here for tickets!