The Game is a comedic adaption of Lysistrata by Aristophanes. The story revolves around a woman, Alyssa, whose husband (Homer) is addicted to a video game. She decides to put together a support group of women whose partners are also addicted. Together, the women come up with strategies on how to stop their partners from playing “The Game”, hilarity and friendship ensue.
Patrons should be aware that mature language such as “Sh*t,” “B*tch,” “F**k,” and “G*d D*mn” are used in this production, as well as references to masturbation and sex. Those who can engage with its themes will find it to be a heartening and hilarious theatrical experience.
Sex, Romance, and Nudity: As a tactic to distract their partners, the women order intimate items and a dildo is shown on stage. Suggestive lingerie is worn by a character. There are a few humorous suggestive sexual innuendos related to masturbation. There is a romantic couple who share a few kisses.
Substances: There is no smoking on stage. References and usage of alcohol.
Violence: A couple has an argument, there is some yelling involved. Characters briefly discuss war and school shootings. A comedic simulated war between the women is acted out near the end.