Crumbs from the Table of Joy is a heartwarming drama centered around a young Black girl, Ernestine Crump, who guides the audience through her family’s move from Florida to Brooklyn in the 1950s following her mother’s death. The family seeks a better life and embraces a new religion. The play explores themes of race, death, and religion.
- Language: This production includes mature language such as “as*” and “g*dd*mn,” as well as racially sensitive terms, which are spoken by Black characters.
- Sex, Romance, and Nudity: There is no nudity in this production. However, a few kisses and romantic moments occur between adult characters.
- Substances: Herbal cigarettes are smoked a few times during the performance. There are also references to and depictions of alcohol use.
- Violence: While there are several heated arguments, no physical violence is shown on stage. A character does enter a scene with visible injuries, but the act of violence is not depicted.