A personal story that grapples with identity, social justice and history. Exploring the competing narratives at the center of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict that has lasted generations.

Wrestling Jerusalem
“yearning beauty…deep sadness…and wistful hope”
San Francisco Chronicle
Wrestling Jerusalem at PRC2, though Jan. 11
By Kate Dobbs Ariail
The Five Points Star
January 9, 2015
“It’s Complicated!”: Davidman’s Arresting Solo Performance in Wrestling Jerusalem
By Trey K. Morehouse
Classical Voice of North Carolina
January 7, 2015
A One-Man Attempt to “Wrestle Jerusalem”
The State of Things By Anita Rao & Frank Stasio
WUNC 91.5
January 8, 2015
A ‘nuanced conflict’: Play looks at complexity of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
By Cliff Bellamy
Herald Sun
January 7, 2015
Aaron Davidman’s New Solo, “Wrestling Jerusalem” Drills to the Core of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
By Robert W. McDowell
Triangle Arts & Entertainment
Jaunary 5, 2015
Next Year in Theater
By Kate Dobbs Ariail
The Five Points Star
December 24, 2014