Whom to tell and how to tell it. What Li’l Bit’s story of reclamation in “How I Learned to Drive” can tell us about being survivors.
Tag: Paula Vogel
Relevance and Time
Decades after it won the Pulitzer Prize for drama, Paula Vogel’s masterpiece, “How I Learned to Drive,” hits even harder than it ever did before.
Unacceptable yet Common
When a playwright trusts the audience, it can result in a truly powerful night at the theatre. Paula Vogel trusts you with “How I Learned to Drive.”
Artifacts of Personal History
The Paul Green Theatre is a special place. And director Lee Sunday Evans has found it to be down right inspiration for her vision of “How I Learned to Drive.”
To Tell a Secret, to Teach a Lesson
Paula Vogel’s “How I Learned to Drive” is one of the most important plays of the last 50 years and takes on the patriarchy in a unique and unflinching manner.