

A Studio Becomes Bedford Falls: Designing the Set for IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE

I had mixed feeling about accepting this design assignment! While I grew up in a Miracle of 34th Street house, I married an It’s a Wonderful Life man. My husband Frank, is such a fan of the movie that it is a really big deal when we watch it.


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part III

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what inspired our creative team, beyond Capra’s classic movie, of course.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part III

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what inspired […]


PlayMakers Monday News Roundup

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE is a hit! The Daily Tar Heel today gave the show FIVE STARS, saying it “breathed new life into both the classic story and the art of radio acting” and made this charming holiday staple, “once again, truly wonderful.”

PlayMakers Monday News Roundup

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE is a hit! The Daily Tar Heel today gave the show FIVE STARS,  saying it “breathed new life into both the […]


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part II

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what inspired […]


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part II

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what inspired our creative team, beyond Capra’s classic movie, of course.

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part I

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what […]


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: Dressing the Players within the Play, Part I

As PlayMakers puts the finishing touches on it’s on-stage reinvention of the holiday film classic IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, we go behind-the-scenes to see what inspired our creative team, beyond Capra’s classic movie, of course.